Membership Dues beginning February 1st of each year are $100.00.
To be eligible for active membership in the Association: To be eligible for active membership, one must be a member in good standing of the State Bar of Georgia and: maintain his or her principal law office in Paulding County, reside in Paulding County, or maintain a significant portion of his or her practice in Paulding County (as determined by the Board of Directors); and is further approved by the Board of Directors. Active members shall be required to pay full dues.
To apply for membership in the Association: To apply for membership you need to complete an application form and return it to the Association's Office along with your check. Your check, made payable to the Paulding County Bar Association, will be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Association for its review and approval; however, your remittance will be returned to you if, for any reason your application is not approved, you will be notified and your name will be placed on our membership rolls and mailing list. Remember these two items: (1) completed application (2) check for the appropriated amount of $100.